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Science, Nature & Hands-On > Science Kits
Jr. Science Explorer™ Experiments
Delight and educate young scientists with our new Junior Science Explorer experiments! These kits encourage the development of a lifetime of scientific investigation and understanding while allowing kids to have fun in the process! Each of the safe, hands-on experiments teaches a basic fundamental of science and includes a full color, educational, easy to follow experiment guide.
Soda Powered Clock Kit
Kids will love building a clock that runs on soda! This electrolyte-powered digital clock is a fun experiment that teaches about electrical science yet is easy to put together.
10 yrs +
Item# WT-SLC
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Air Blast Rocket Kit
Kids will love using the power of compressed air to make this rocket soar! The rocket includes three rockets that feature soft foam tips for safety.
8 yrs +
Item# WT-SRO
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Volcanic Eruption Kit
This classic experiment lets kids have a blast simulating real volcanic eruptions! This kit also includes educational volcanic facts. Completely safe.
10 yrs +
Item# WT-SVE
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Crystal Growing Kit
This kit introduces young scientists to the world of crystals! The set includes a special crystal growing formula, pack of rocks, growing container with lid, magnifying glass, tweezers, goggles and instruction book. Sold in an assortment of four colors: purple, yellow, white and green
10+ Years
Item# WT-SCG
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Fingerprint Analysis Kit
This kit teaches junior detectives real techniques used by police and the FBI to identify fingerprints and record important clues! The kit contains instruction booklet, a stamp pad, brush, magnifier, bottle for dusting powder, classification cards and more!
Item# EA-SFA
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